วันอังคารที่ 6 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

Lip Balm Recipe - Make Your Own Natural Lip Balm Using Three Simple Ingredients

Making your own natural lip balm is easier than you might think. It's also better for your budget than buying commercial products - and you get the benefit of knowing exactly what you're putting on your mouth. Add the healing powers of aromatherapy essential oils and you have a winner!

Many commercial lip balms are made with petroleum derivatives. Petroleum products have been banned from cosmetic use in many countries because they contain impurities that can cause cancer and other health problems.

Additionally, commercial lip balms and lotions are often designed so that once the initial moisturizing effect has worn off, they actually dry out your skin (or lips) so you have to keep applying the product (which makes you buy more - good for sales.)

On the other hand, all-natural vegetable-based skin and lip products provide real, healthy hydration which won't poison you or dry out your skin. You can use a variety of oils and butters to make your own lip balm, and you can even scent them with essential oils for a little extra pizzaz (not to mention strengthening their healing powers!)

Here's a very basic three ingredient lip balm recipe to get you started.


- 2 tablespoons olive oil or sweet almond oil

- 1 tablespoon grated beeswax (you can use a pure beeswax candle for this)

- 1 Vitamin E capsule (400 IU)


1. Place the oil and wax in a heatproof cup (such as a heavy glass measuring cup.) Poke a hole in the Vitamin E capsule and squeeze its liquid into the oil and wax mixture.

2. Place the heatproof cup in a pot of water on the stove and heat on low just until the wax melts. Remove immediately from heat.

3. Pour the liquid into a small screw-cap jar or lip balm jar or tube. Allow to cool (it will solidify) before using.

Next, try these variations to jazz it up a little...

Lip Balm Base:

Substitute 1 tablespoon shea butter for 1 tablespoon of the beeswax.

Use unrefined coconut oil instead of olive oil.

Add 1/2 teaspoon vegetable glycerin for extra moisture.

Aromatherapy Essential Oils:

- Add 2 drops Lavender essential oil to soothe irritation.
- Try 2 drops Peppermint essential oil for a natural tingly freshness.
- Add 2 drops of Vanilla essential oil for a yummy, sweet scent.

A note about essential oils: Be careful which oils you use in lip balms and aromatherapy skincare products - some of them can irritate the skin (such as cinnamon and thyme.) Do your research before experimenting!

See how easy it is? With just a few ingredients and few minutes time, you can make your own fabulous natural lip balms. Make them as stocking stuffers or for loot bags at kids' parties. Make them for your friends and family. Make them to sell... The possibilities are endless. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to treat, prevent, diagnose, or cure any condition.

